Now is the time to think about and plan your garden. Part of that planning is starting seeds. Beginning gardeners may need guidance with this process. Rest easy, as it is not as difficult as it seems. Most crops started from seed need the following materials:
- Seed trays with covers
- Electric seed tray warmer
- Overhead LED lights
- Seed starter mix – a sterile mix of soil without fertilizer
- Seed packets
- Water in spray bottle
Mix sterile seed starter mix with enough water so that the mixture is moist, but not wet. Fill the seed trays with the seed starter mixture to the top of the cells in the seed trays. Place the seeds two to a cell on top of the soil (depending on the size of the seeds). Gently press down on the seeds to cover them with the soil mix. Spray the top of the seed trays with water and cover the trays. Place the trays on the electric tray warmer.
For maintenance, keep the seed trays moist, not wet. After germination, place the LED lights over the seed trays. The light will prevent the seedlings from getting leggy before up potting them.